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Ignore multiple files with Chokidar

Is there any way to ignore multiple files or directories when watching directory with Chokidar?

My code:

var ignoredFiles = ['c:/test/file1.txt', 'c:/test/file2.txt'];
//var ignoredFiles = 'c:/test/file1.txt';

var watchOptions: WatchOptions = <WatchOptions>{
            ignored: ignoredFiles,
            persistent: true,
            ignoreInitial: false,
            awaitWriteFinish: false,
            ignorePermissionErrors: false
this.watcher = chokidar.watch('c:/test', watchOptions);

If I try to set ignored option to array of strings, it doesn't work. Moreover, even if I try to set it to string, it doesn't work either.

Any suggestions about a simple way of doing that? From Chokidar docs:

ignored: (anymatch-compatible definition) Defines files/paths to be ignored. The whole relative or absolute path is tested, not just filename. If a function with two arguments is provided, it gets called twice per path - once with a single argument (the path), second time with two arguments (the path and the fs.Stats object of that path).

Thank you.

Various options for ignored

var ignoredFiles = ['c:/test/file1.txt', 'c:/test/file2.txt'];

var watchOptions = {
        ignored: ignoredFiles,
        persistent: true,
        ignoreInitial: false,
        awaitWriteFinish: false,
        ignorePermissionErrors: false
this.watcher = chokidar.watch('c:/test', watchOptions);

or else

ignored: /file/, // ignores files and dirs which contain "file" in the name

You can also use regular expressions

ignored: /file[1-2]\.txt/, // ignores files matching this regex

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