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C# error when a loop is inside a timer1_Tick function

I don't know much about threading. I simply have a timer1 in the UI, when I put this while loop inside the timer1_Tick function which is 100 intervals:

count = port.BytesToRead;
while (count > 0)
  // get the new byte:
  char inchar = (char)port.ReadChar();
  // add it to the inputstring:
  inputString += inchar;
  // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
  // so the main loop can do something about it:
  if (inchar == '\n')
     stringComplete = true;

The program stop responding for any UI input.I know that the problem is about threading and UI thread but I have few knowledge in threading as I said.
So what is the solution for such a problem

您没有递减count变量,所以while(count > 0)永不退出。

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