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Accessing values of JS Global variables in HTML with PhantomJS

So I have a piece of HTML that looks something like this:

      var foo = {
        bar: []

And I am trying to use PhantomJS to extract the value of foo.bar. How would I do this? So far I know I would have is structured like this:

var webPage = require('webpage'); 
var page = webPage.create();
page.open(MY_URL, function(status) {
  var foo = page.evaluate(function(){
    //gets javascript from the HTML in the response
    // and extracts foo from there


Seems you should just be able to use

var foo = page.evaluate(function() {
  return window.foo
console.log('foo =', foo)

Here's how you would, open url from phantom virtual browser and get a javascript returned value from webpage with phantom

const phantom = require('phantom');

openUrl = (req, res, next) => {
    let url = 'your url goes here';
    const {content, returnedFromPage} = await loadJsSite(url);
    return res.json(returnedFromPage);

loadJsSite = async (url) => {
  return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => {

    const instance = await phantom.create();
    const page = await instance.createPage();
    await page.on('onResourceRequested', function(requestData) {
      console.info('Requesting', requestData.url);

    const status = await page.open(url);
    var returnedFromPage = await page.evaluate(function() {
            return document.title;
    const content = await page.property('content');

    await instance.exit();

    return resolve({content: content, returnedFromPage: returnedFromPage});


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