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Angular4 async pipe with ngFor

I've this ngFor in my component:

<li *ngFor="let item of items$ | async">

Here is my component code:

this.items$ = Observable.of(true)
    .flatMap((shouldPresentNumbers) => {
         return  Observable.forkJoin(Observable.of(1,2,3,4,5));

My goal is to render items asynchronically. Means that I need that items$ would get an object of type Observable<Array<any>> . Unfortunately, after running the code above i'm gettin only a single observable to items$ (Observable of the last value -> 5).

How can I return an Observable of [1,2,3,4,5] ?

Okay let's discuss this construction:


Observable.of() produces one Observable which emits 5 items in a row. fork-join waits until it completes and then returns the last item which is 5. What you need is an Observable with an array of 5 items:


So, you can simplify your code this way:

this.items$ = Observable.of(true)
    .flatMap((shouldPresentNumbers) => Observable.of(shouldPresentNumbers ? [1,2,3,4,5] : []));


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