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Very specific query and its parameters on retrofit2

I am trying to build a speed data query URL using retrofit. Here is how final URL is supposed to be:


the part I need user input in order to query is:


500 - radius

50.117633 - latitude

8.681930 - longitude

I am only a beginner on Retrofit but to my knowledge, @Query annotation in Endpoint interface works only on ?data= and this kind of type query parameters.

This is what I tried doing but it obviously does not work (I tried @Path too):

    Call<SpeedData> getSpeedData(@Query("radius") int radius,
                                 @Query("latitude") double latitude,
                                 @Query("longitude") double longitude);

How should I implement it on Retrofit since there is only one query parameter ?data when I need to use 3 dynamic parameters inside that ?data ?

Call<SpeedData> getSpeedData(@Query("data") String data);

use a Small function -

public String addParseData(String output,String addedData) {
        return output.concat(addedData).concat(";");

the data will receive parse String.

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