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Difference between plugins and presets in .babelrc


So I have a .babelrc like this:

    "presets": [
    "plugins": [


What is the difference between presets and plugins? Which one should I use to configure Babel?


Presets are just a collection of plugins. You can include plugins individually in the plugins array, or collection of plugins in the presets array. If a plugin is part of a collection (preset), you don't have to include it individually in plugins .

The same goes for npm packages when you include them in package.json .

Presets vs Plugins

Babel has lots of official and third party plugins . Presets are collections of plugins or as they say :

Presets are sharable .babelrc configs or simply an array of babel plugins.

Plugins of a preset

The most common presets are the official ones and the experimental presets .

Most of the official presets contain plugins to transpile features of the EcmaScript standards, while the experimental (stage-x) presets contain plugins that transpile future experimental features whose standardization is still work in progress. Going from stage 0 (just an idea) to stage 3 (candidate) you will have collections of plugins that are more closer to getting standardized. Because of this, when you include a preset, every preset with a higher stage-x value will be included too. The plugins contained in these presets are continuously varying in each version, since they are work in progress, and there is a chance that plugins will be removed if they got rejected. That is why you need transform-decorators-legacy because, decorator transpiling was removed from Babel, although they will add it back in the future .

When you click on a preset, you can see which plugins (and maybe other presets) are included in it. If you included a plugin via a preset you don't have to include it individually. The same goes for package.json when you include the npm packages of the presets.

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