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How to use AWS certificate with python requests library?

I have an elastic load balancer running on aws cloud. I have attached a HTTPS listener to it on port 443, and it is using a certificate in certificate manager. I want to send https requests from a python script to the elastic load. I can't figure out the exact api call that I should make to implement this.

You can make https get request to the DNS of the ELB.

To generate HTTPS request use following script quoted from this answer .

 import urllib.request r = urllib.request.urlopen('<DNS OF ELB>') print(r.read()) 

If you really want to use http.client, you must call endheaders after you send the request headers:

 import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('DNS OF ELB', 443) conn.putrequest('GET', '/') conn.endheaders() # <--- r = conn.getresponse() print(r.read()) 

As a shortcut to putrequest / endheaders , you can also use the request method, like this:

 import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('DOMAIN', 443) conn.request('GET', '/') # <--- r = conn.getresponse() print(r.read()) 

Update 1

For Python 2.7 You can use httplib or urllib2

If you are using httplib , HTTPS supports only if the socket module was compiled with SSL support.

For urllib2 refer this article .

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