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About class variables and instance variables? (Python)

I have this code that adds 10 to either the variable x or y but it also has a method that prevents those values to go above 100 or below 0. The program asks for user input about which value to increment either x or y values:

class X_increment(object):


     def x_y(self,min=0,max=100):

        if self.x<=min:
        elif self.x>=max:

        if self.y<=min:
        elif self.y>=max:


while (True):

  z=input("Press x to increase x")

  if z=='x':

  elif z=='y':

  elif z=='e':

    print("not valid")

print("the value of x and y is:",x1.x,x1.y)
print("the value of x and y of the x2 instance is",x2.x,x2.y)

I was using it to test how to modify values of an instance and it worked, but i tried the same code but initializing the variables like this:

def __init__(self):


And it didn't work, i tried it calling the variables in multiple ways but it just didn't work so i figured there is something i was doing wrong or maybe you can't change variables in a "constructor" like i am tryingto do?, i don't know, i am pretty new to programming and python and i really get confused by this.

When you declare attributes in the class definition, like

class X_increment(object):
    x = 0
    y = 0

x and y are attributes of the class object X_increment . When you access them on an instance like x1 = X_increment() , x1.x , the attribute lookup fails on the instance x1 , then goes up to the class object, where it finds it. Incidentally, since x and y are class attributes, x1 and x2 share x and y (ie, x1.x and x2.x refer to the same value).

When you declare the attributes in __init__ , you need to explicitly set them on the instance you're creating:

class X_increment(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0

The reason you can't simply do x = 0 anymore is that the __init__ function isn't executing in the class body, so as soon as the function is finished the local variables x and y would vanish. Once you've defined __init__ this way, things should work as expected: each instance ( x1 and x2 ) has its own values of x and y . self is a reference to the individual instance you're calling the method on.

You may also be interested in properties , which are a more general and powerful way of writing your x_y method.

The difference between a class variable and an instance variable is that the class variable doesn't need an instance to be accessed. In the following example, I declare and use class variables:

class Test:
    classVariable = 5

#no need to create an instance of the class
print(Test.classVariable) #prints 5
Test.classVariable = 10
print(Test.classVariable) #prints 10

Whereas an instance variable can have a different value on each instance that has been created:

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self.instanceVariable = 0;

#creating 2 instances of the same class
instance1 = Test()
instance2 = Test()

#they start with the same value
print("1=%s, 2=%s" % (instance1.instanceVariable, instance2.instanceVariable))
#prints "1=0, 2=0"

#but we can modify the value on each instance separatly
instance1.instanceVariable = 5;
print("1=%s, 2=%s" % (instance1.instanceVariable, instance2.instanceVariable))
#prints "1=5, 2=0"

print(Test.instanceVariable) #this won't work

Variables declared outside functions in a class are class variables. Instance variables can be declared several ways, one of them is using self.xxx in the constructor or other functions

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