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Akka-Stream stream within stream

I am trying to figure out how to handle a situation where in one of your stage you need to make a call that return an InputStream, where I would deal with that stream as a Source of the stage that comes further down.


 Source.map(e => Calls that return an InputStream)

I would like that the element going to Processing flow as those coming from the InputStream. This is basically a situation where I am tailing a file, reading each line, the line give me the information about a call I need to make against a CLI api, when making that call I get the Stdout as an InputStream from which to read the result. Result are going to be huge most of the time, so I can just collect the all thing in memory.

  • you can use StreamConverters utilities to get Source s and Sink s from java.io streams. More info here .
  • you can use flatMapConcat or flatMapMerge to flatten a stream of Source s into a single stream. More info here .

A quick example could be:

  val source: Source[String, NotUsed] = ???
  def gimmeInputStream(name: String): InputStream = ???
  val processingFlow: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = ???

    .flatMapConcat(is ⇒ StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() ⇒ is, chunkSize = 8192))

However Akka Streams offers a more idiomatic DSL to read/write files in the FileIO object. More info here .

The example becomes:

  val source: Source[String, NotUsed] = ???
  val processingFlow: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = ???

    .flatMapConcat(name ⇒ FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(name)))

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