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Stripe API: Accessing Coupon Data

I'm trying to get the coupon id from a customer record using the Stripe API. I think I'm referencing it the wrong way. I've tried this:

 $cust = \Stripe\Customer::all(array("limit" => 3));


        foreach ($cust->data as $customer){

           foreach ($customer->subscriptions as $sub)
                echo $sub->discount->coupon->id;


        //No Customers

As recommended above, you're outputting a variable with single quotes around it, which will output that string literally vs inserting the contents of the $sub->discount->coupon->id variable in the string. Either remove the single quotes or, if you fancy string interpolation, replace what you have with echo "{$sub->discount->coupon->id}";

You also need to loop over $customer->subscriptions->data as the subscriptions array has the same shape as the customers array:

$cust = \Stripe\Customer::all(array("limit" => 3, "expand" => "data.subscriptions"));


    foreach ($cust->data as $customer){

       foreach ($customer->subscriptions->data as $sub)
            if ($sub->discount && $sub->discount->coupon) {
               echo $sub->discount->coupon->id . "\n";


} else {
    // No Customers

I also added an if statement to avoid errors when $sub->discount or $sub->discount->coupon are null.

Have a look at the example output here: https://stripe.com/docs/api#retrieve_subscription

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