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Object push Firebase, how to remove key names from pushed items

I have this Object.key code that pushes all items:

const cloned_items = [];

Object.keys(items).sort().map(key => {
    let item = {
        [`item-${uid}`]: {
            item: false

    cloned_items.push({ ...item });


but this produces following result:

"0" : {
    "timeslot-87dah2j" : {
        item: false
"1" : {
    "timeslot-7s1ahju" : {
        item: false

instead of:

"timeslot-87dah2j" : {
    item: false
"timeslot-7s1ahju" : {
    item: false

any idea ?

It seems like you want to create a plain object, not an array.

In that case:

const cloned_items = Object.assign(...Object.keys(items).map(uid =>
    ({ [`item-${uid}`]: {item: false} })

NB: sorting is of no use when creating an object -- its keys are supposed to have no specific order.

You're creating an array of objects. Seems like you want to use .reduce() to create a single object from the array.

const cloned_items = Object.keys(items).sort().reduce((obj, key) =>
    Object.assign(obj, { [`item-${uid}`]: { item: false } })
, {});

Your code doesn't show where uid is coming from, but I assume you meant key there, along with timeslot instead of item .

You may find Object.defineProperty to be cleaner, though you'll need to set up the property descriptor as you want it.

const cloned_items = Object.keys(items).sort().reduce((obj, key) => 
    Object.defineProperty(obj, `item-${uid}`, {value:{item: false}})
, {});

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