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Firebase - Push to pushed data

Here's my data

  "deck" : {
    "-JkpwAnieKjQVsdtPD4m" : {
      "deck" : "Deck 1",
      "user" : "simplelogin:1"
    "-Jkq4unexm-qwhO_U2YO" : {
      "deck" : "Deck 2",
      "user" : "simplelogin:1"
    "-Jkq5-II1q5yM6w3ytmG" : {
      "deck" : "Deck 3",
      "user" : "simplelogin:6"
    "-Jks5mbMHmPB9MwnnOCj" : {
      "deck" : "Deck 4",
      "user" : "simplelogin:1"

If I want to add:

      cards: {

to say the item with the deck "Deck 2", how do I select that object to push to it. The end result would be:

  "deck" : {
    "-JkpwAnieKjQVsdtPD4m" : {
      "deck" : "Deck 1",
      "user" : "simplelogin:1"
    "-Jkq4unexm-qwhO_U2YO" : {
      cards: {
      "deck" : "Deck 2",
      "user" : "simplelogin:1"
    "-Jkq5-II1q5yM6w3ytmG" : {
      "deck" : "Deck 3",
      "user" : "simplelogin:6"
    "-Jks5mbMHmPB9MwnnOCj" : {
      "deck" : "Deck 4",
      "user" : "simplelogin:1"

Here is what I tried:

  deckRef.orderByChild('deckName').equalTo('Deck 2').push({
    card: {
      title: 'foo',
      text: 'bar'

but that just returned an error. What do I do to achieve this?

deckRef.orderByChild('deckName').equalTo('Deck 2') returns a query, not a ref. A query can match many nodes. Even though in your case it only matches one, you will need to first capture that one node into a ref to be able to push to it.

var query = deckRef.orderByChild('deckName').equalTo('Deck 2');
query.once('child_added', function(snapshot) {
        title: 'foo',
        text: 'bar'

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