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How can i add a onchange js event to Select widget in Django?

I need to attach a JavaScript onchange event to the receipt dropdown list in a Django project. When the value of the dropdown list is changed a JavaScript function is to be called. How can it be done? The form.py file is given below

from django import forms
receipt_types=(('option1','Option 1'),('option2','Option 2'),('option3','Option 3'),)
class accountsInForm(forms.Form):
    receipt=forms.CharField(max_length=100, widget=forms.Select(choices=reciept_types))

Change the code as follows :
reciept=forms.ChoiceField(reciept_types, widget = forms.Select(attrs = {'onchange' : "myFunction();"}))

In case you want to have access to the input value in your JavaScript code, which is very common:

{'onchange' : "myFunction(this.value);"}

And the JS:

myFunction(value) {

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