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Python script to run docker containers

I want to write a python script that run docker containers and then show logs for that particular container, I have use some functions that are working and starting or stoping containers for me. Can somebody help me to show logs for the containers ?? I tried to use container.logs() function, but it is not working for me, i am also trying to study docker-py library ! I don't know much about python, any help will be highly appreciated !

import docker
c = docker.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',version='1.12',timeout=10)
ctr = c.create_container('ubuntu:16.04') 

You are using a old docker client. Run below to fix that

pip uninstall docker-py
pip install docker

Once done you can use something like below

import docker

c = docker.DockerClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',timeout=10)
ctr = c.containers.run('ubuntu:16.04',command="bash -c ' for((i=1;i<=10;i+=2)); do echo Welcome $i times; sleep 10; done'", detach=True) 
logs = ctr.logs(stream=True)

for line in logs:

@Tarun , i come through it and it solved my problem , its easy ! by the way thanks for your help man !

import docker
import dockerpty

client = docker.Client()
container = client.create_container(
dockerpty.PseudoTerminal(client, container).start()

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