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Save multiple checkbox - Laravel 5.4

I need to save multiple checkbox to single field in the database.

            <div class="checkbox">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="expresion_vegetal_id[]" value="1">Raíz

            <div class="checkbox">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="expresion_vegetal_id[]" value="3">tronco
            <div class="checkbox">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="expresion_vegetal_id[]" value="4">corteza


$ficha_tecnica = new Ficha_Tecnica();
$options = $request->get('expresion_vegetal_id');
$ficha_tecnica->expresion_vegetal_id = $options;

this is trying to save, the values ​​in [""], I need only save the numbers

insert into `fichas_tecnicas` (`expresion_vegetal_id`) values (["1","3","4"])

When I try to save, show the next message

1366 Incorrect integer value: '["1","4"]' for column 'expresion_vegetal_id' 

You'r cannot add that because You can try to loop the expresion_vegetal_id still in array format. I see in your question is you need to add that in string format. You must loop that array first and save one by one or you can used created

I give you the sample using loop. You code will looks like this

$ficha_tecnica = new Ficha_Tecnica();
foreach ($$request->expresion_vegetal_id as $expresion_vegetal_id) {
    $ficha_tecnica->expresion_vegetal_id = $expresion_vegetal_id;

i hope you can find the other same way....

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