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Saving, retrieving and displaying dynamic table data with Swift

Im trying to toggle a UISwitch on or off in Swift from results stored in Core Data.

I am loading the data from a json file, in this format:

    fruit = Apple;
    id = 01;
}, {
    fruit = Banana;
    id = 02;
}, {
    fruit = Orange;
    id = 03;

...and it is populating dynamic table rows with the data. I have a repeating template with a UISwitch on the right side of the row.

Like this:

  • UISwitch "Apple" State: OFF
  • UISwitch "Banana" State: OFF
  • UISwitch "Orange" State: OFF

How do I go about targeting a specific switch to turn on or off with the returned items to toggle on?

I imagine I will need to store an array of id's that I added to the data set. For example

fruits = ["02","03"]

...and have the code find rows with that ID? I am a bit confused on how to go about doing this.

My end result would look like this when the view loaded:

  • UISwitch "Apple" State: ON
  • UISwitch "Banana" State: ON
  • UISwitch "Orange" State: OFF

...depending on what the user selected.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Let suppose your fruits array having these fruits -

    fruit = Apple;
    id = 01;
}, {
    fruit = Banana;
    id = 02;
}, {
    fruit = Orange;
    id = 03;

And selected fruits ID Array having these -


So now populate the table row by adding these code snippet in your 'cellForRowAt' method -

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

    let cell:UITableViewCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell") as UITableViewCell!

    let fruitsDict = fruitsArray.object(at: indexPath.row) as! NSDictionary

    // I've used tag for getting fruit label and fruit switch view, you can use your own custom table view cell here for that.

    let lblFruitName = cell.contentView.viewWithTag(1) as! UILabel
    let fruitSwitch = cell.contentView.viewWithTag(2) as! UISwitch

    lblFruitName.text = fruitsDict.value(forKey: "fruit") as? String

    if(selectedFruitsIDArray.contains(fruitsDict.value(forKey: "id") as? String ?? "")){ // It contains fruit id

        fruitSwitch.setOn(true, animated: true)


        fruitSwitch.setOn(false, animated: true)

   return cell

Where fruitsArray is your all fruits array and selectedFruitsIDArray is selected fruits ID array.

I hope it will help you to start with.

if we are thinking about your data for a second, have you ever thought about adding some enable property of a boolean type inside each item in your Dictionary. So when a user taps on cell or the switch this cell then you could change this property value from false to true vice-versa.

user taps on switch 
change the enable property to true or vice versa
change switch from off to on or vice versa  
save into coreData

instead of using Dictionary, I would have a reference type data structure such as a class in which you can transform dictionary to obj vice-versa. (not required, but it makes your life easier, of course when you are saving or updating you transform that object to Dictionary)

    class Item {
    var id:Int
    var fruit:String
    var shouldBeEnabled:Bool

    init(id:Int, fruit:String, enable:Bool = false) {
      self.id  = id
      self.fruit = fruit
      shouldBeEnabled = enable
    // from dict to item
    static func transform(dict:[String:Any]) -> Item {
        var id = dict["id"] as! Int // use optional instead of explicit unwrapping 
        var fruit = dict["fruit"] as! String
        var enabled = dict["enable"] as! Bool
        return Item(id: id, fruit: fruit, enable: enabled)

    // from item to dict 
    static func transform(item:Item) -> [String:Any] {
        var dict = [String:Any]()
        dict["id"] = item.id
        dict["fruit"] = item.fruit
        dict["enable"] = item.shouldBeEnabled
        return dict


So next time the user comes into your app the state of the switch is saved into enabled, then you are populating your tableView then you should do a check

 consider you transform all your dict into object 
   if (data[indexPath.row].shouldBeEnabled == true) { // turn on switch }
   else { // turn off } 

Now your code has the ability: save user's change, and can load it anytime

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