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WPF RichTextBox tokenized editing

I am trying to enable the user to edit specific parts of a text (and only those parts) using a RichTextBox control.

My approach consists of using TextBox controls contained in InlineUIContainer tags in a FlowDocument . The code below shows what I've accomplished so far:

<RichTextBox IsDocumentEnabled="True">
            <InlineUIContainer >
                <TextBox Text="Field" MinWidth="65"></TextBox>
                <TextBlock Text="Some text..." ></TextBlock>

The problem with this is that the user is able to select the elements in the FlowDocument and delete them... worse they can edit any text that is part of a Run element or even cut/paste text in the document.

I had the idea to set the IsReadOnly="True" on the RichTextBox but that also disables TextBoxes from being edited... Also I could handle the PreviewKeyDown but that can not handle every situation (ie: Right clicking and pressing paste).

I was wondering if there is any alternative solution or even an alternative library or third party control that helps.

How about setting the IsReadOnly property of the TextBox to false and the IsReadOnly property of the RichTextBox to true ?:

<RichTextBox IsDocumentEnabled="True" IsReadOnly="True">
            <InlineUIContainer >
                <TextBox Text="Field" MinWidth="65" IsReadOnly="False"></TextBox>
                <TextBlock Text="Some text..." ></TextBlock>

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