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Recursive mergesort error

I've been doing some practice with sorting algorithms and I keep getting this error for my merge sort. I can't even scroll up to see what the original error was because it displays at SortTestPractice.mergesort etc. so many times I reach the upper limit on display. Any ideas as to what the error could be?

Here is my code for the chunk in question

public static ArrayList<String> mergeSort(ArrayList<String> testList)
      ArrayList<String> left = new ArrayList<String>();
      ArrayList<String> right = new ArrayList<String>();
      int center;
          center = testList.size()/2;
          // copy the left half of testList into the left.
          for (int i=0; i<center; i++) {

          //copy the right half of testList into the new arraylist.
          for (int i=center; i<testList.size(); i++) {

          // Sort the left and right halves of the arraylist.
          left  = mergeSort(left);
          right = mergeSort(right);

          // Merge the results back together.
          merge(left, right, testList);
          return testList;

The line it points me to is left = mergeSort(left); . My initial thought was that it wasn't recognizing when left and right contained only 1 piece of data and kept trying to split them. I came up with a quick fix for that by adding an if else statement but I still got the same error.

here is my merge function

private static ArrayList<String> merge(ArrayList<String> left, ArrayList<String> right, ArrayList<String> testList) {
// source: modified from http://www.codexpedia.com/java/java-merge-sort-implementation/
    int leftIndex = 0;
    int rightIndex = 0;
    int testListIndex = 0;

    // As long as neither the left nor the right ArrayList has
    // been used up, keep taking the smaller of left.get(leftIndex)
    // or right.get(rightIndex) and adding it at both.get(bothIndex).
    while (leftIndex < left.size() && rightIndex < right.size()) {
        if ( (left.get(leftIndex).compareTo(right.get(rightIndex))) < 0) {
            testList.set(testListIndex, left.get(leftIndex));
        } else {
            testList.set(testListIndex, right.get(rightIndex));

    ArrayList<String> rest;
    int restIndex;
    if (leftIndex >= left.size()) {
        // The left ArrayList has been use up...
        rest = right;
        restIndex = rightIndex;
    } else {
        // The right ArrayList has been used up...
        rest = left;
        restIndex = leftIndex;

    // Copy the rest of whichever ArrayList (left or right) was not used up.
    for (int i=restIndex; i<rest.size(); i++) {
        testList.set(testListIndex, rest.get(i));
    return testList;
  public static void hybridSort(ArrayList<String> testList)
    int temp = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i<100; i++)
       if (testList.get(i).compareTo(testList.get(i+1)) < 0)
    if (temp >= 90)

Add this to the beginning of mergeSort function. You need a base case.

if(testList.size() <= 1){ return testList; }

--- edit @rcgldr commented the same before i did

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