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mongodb - $geoIntersects sorted by overlapping percentage

I have a collection with this kind of documents:

  _id: ObjectId,
  type: "string", // COUNTRY, STATE, CITY
  geometry: {
    type: "MultiPolygon",
    coordinates: <coordinates>

And I want to calculate for example in which COUNTRY is every STATE . I've tried to do this:

var state = db.entity.findOne({_id:ObjectId("someStateID")});

  geometry: {
    $geoIntersects: {
      $geometry: state.geometry

And this works just fine, excepts in some cases where the line of some STATE is touching the border of a neighbour COUNTRY where I got two or more documents.

Here is an example image

Is there a way I can sort this result by overlapping percentage? Or any kind of filter to know which one is the exact parent?

I've found that there is no way to do this in mongo, I had to do it with code. Here is an easy way to solve this problem

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