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const vector reference overloading

For simplicity just pass part of the code.

class A {
std::vector<int> & get(){ return myVector;}
const std::vector<int> & get() const {return myVector;}
   std::vector<int> myVector;

My question is how to involve overloaded const get method. When I try to create const_iterator and debug code it involves non-const method. Want to understand how it works I use the following snippets

A myA;
for (const auto& v: myA.get()) { } // it involve not const get method


std::vector<int>::const_iterator cit = myA.get().begin()
//it involves not const method


 const std::vector< int > v = myA.get( );
 // involves non-const method

or even I create function:

int constVector( const std::vector< int > &constVector )
   return constVector[0];

int b = constVector( myA.get( ) ); // it involves non-const method

What is the purpose of overloaded const method if they are not involved.

And what i doing wrong and how i can involve the const method.

Since myA is not itself const , overload resolution will favour the non- const overload.

That's life I'm afraid.

If you want the const version then you could use const_cast at the calling site, or even an implicit cast, to cast the myA to a const type:

const A& myA_const = myA;

and use myA_const where you want the const overload to be called.

I took the code fragments of the OP and made an MCVE which demonstrates what Bathsheba describes:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class A {
    std::vector<int>& get()
      std::cout << "A::get()" << std::endl;
      return myVector;
    const std::vector<int>& get() const
      std::cout << "A::get() const" << std::endl;
      return myVector;

    std::vector<int> myVector;

int main()
  A myA;
  for (const auto& v: myA.get()) { } // it involve not const get method
  // use const reference to instance
  std::cout << "use const reference to instance" << std::endl;
  { const A &myAC = myA;
    for (const auto& v: myAC.get()) { } // it involves const get method
  return 0;


use const reference to instance
A::get() const

Tested on ideone .

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