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Issue on Passing Instance of a Class in other Class Constructor

I am having issue on passing/ connecting one class Director() in the constructor of another class Movie() . Basically what I want to do is to have two different domain for Movie and Director but use instance of Director in constructor of the Movie class. I have a declaration of public Director director; in the movie class but how I can pass it as constructor parameter in Movie?

void Main()
    Director d1 = new Director("Wachowski Brothers", "USA"); 
    Movie m1 = new Movie("Matrix", d1.Name);

class Movie
    public Director director; 
    public string Title { get; set; }

    public Movie( string title, Director directorName ){
     Title = title;

class Director
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Nationality { get; set; }

    public Director(string name, string nationality){
        Name = name;
        Nationality = nationality;

You don't want to pass the Name , but the whole instance. So instead of

Movie m1 = new Movie("Matrix", d1.Name);

you mean

Movie m1 = new Movie("Matrix", d1);
Movie m1 = new Movie("Matrix", d1.Name);


Movie m1 = new Movie("Matrix", d1);

try this :

void Main()
    Director d1 = new Director("Wachowski Brothers", "USA"); 
    Movie m1 = new Movie("Matrix", d1);

class Movie
    public Director director; 
    public string Title { get; set; }

    public Movie( string title, Director directorName ){
     Title = title;

class Director
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Nationality { get; set; }

    public Director(string name, string nationality){
        Name = name;
        Nationality = nationality;

You can create director in same time movie like this:

void Main()
    Movie m1 = new Movie("Matrix", "Wachowski Brothers", "USA");

class Movie
    public Director director; 
    public string Title { get; set; }

    public Movie( string title, Director director ){
     Title = title;


    public Movie( string title, string DirectorName, string DirectorNationality){
     Title = title;
     director=new Director(DirectorName, DirectorNationality);


class Director
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Nationality { get; set; }

    public Director(string name, string nationality){
        Name = name;
        Nationality = nationality;

Like the above posts suggest. Your function signature.

public Movie( string title, Director directorName )

calls for an object of type Director. You are passing in only the name, which is a String. Naming is important here. You are calling Director "directorName". That's where you're getting confused.

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