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Php url handling -urlencode not working -Stirng to url -special charater handling

String  = "KOA Axial Carbon Film Resistor 3.3k? ±5% 0.25W -450 ? +350ppm/°C"

Error link after encode


but i want this type of conversion as browser do conversion


correct string how can i get this


You can take a look at http://php.net/rawurlencode

php -r "echo rawurlencode('KOA Axial Carbon Film Resistor 3.3k? ±5% 0.25W -450 ? +350ppm/°C');"

Warning, your expected "correct" string forgets to encode 4 chars : / % ? +

the slash is encoded by "%2F", the "%" is encoded by "%25", the "?" is encoded by "%3F", the "+" is encoded by "%2B"

So you can obtain your expected string like this:

php -r "echo str_replace(['%2F', '%25', '%3F', '%2B'], ['/', '%', '?', '+'],  rawurlencode('KOA Axial Carbon Film Resistor 3.3k? ±5% 0.25W -450 ? +350ppm/°C'));"

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