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PHP MongoDB: Fatal error: Class 'MongoClient' not found in wamp

Hi I have been trying to connect to mongodb from php. I am using the below dll:


I was going through one of the threads on stackoverflow PHP MongoDB: Fatal Error: Class 'Mongo CLient' not found ,which mentions that MongoClient() class has been deprecated. Instead of it now we need to use something like this:

$m = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager();

I have the following code:

$m = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager();
$db = $m->testdb;
echo "Connected to db";

Still I am getting error for class not found. Does anyone have any idea about it? Or do I have to import something? Please help.

It is possible that \\ is missing at the time of object creation.

 $m = new \MongoClient();


$m = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");

The error you are getting might be due to the namespace issue. Try both the solutions one by one and see if it helps.

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