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Mojo IDE - Generate For Loop Block in Verilog

So, I have been racking my brain on this issue with the latest version of Mojo-IDE v1.3.6

Below is a short snippet of my code. As you can see I am attempting to use a generate with a for loop to create many instances of the 'Hashers' Block.

genvar i;

    for (i = 0; i < 64/LOOP; i = i + 1) begin : HASHERS
        wire [511:0] W;
        wire [255:0] state;

        if(i == 0)
            sha256_digester U (
                .k(Ks[32*(63-cnt) +: 32]),
                .rx_w(feedback ? W : rx_input),
                .rx_state(feedback ? state : rx_state),
    sha256_digester U (
                .k(Ks[32*(63-LOOP*i-cnt) +: 32]),
                .rx_w(feedback ? W : HASHERS[i-1].W),
                .rx_state(feedback ? state : HASHERS[i-1].state),


However, I get the following error when i try to synthesize:

Line 89, Column 38 : extraneous input '.' expecting {')', '[', '<=', '*', '+', '-', '?', '&', '|', '^', '~^', '^~', '/', '%', '==', '!=', '===', '!==', '&&', '||', '**', '<', '>', '>=', '>>', '<<', '>>>', '<<<'}
Line 90, Column 46 : extraneous input '.' expecting {')', '[', '<=', '*', '+', '-', '?', '&', '|', '^', '~^', '^~', '/', '%', '==', '!=', '===', '!==', '&&', '||', '**', '<', '>', '>=', '>>', '<<', '>>>', '<<<'}

The errors are on lines

                .rx_w(feedback ? W : HASHERS[i-1].W),
                .rx_state(feedback ? state : HASHERS[i-1].state),

According to Verilog-2000 guidelines this should be a legal as I should be able to access previous index of 'HASHERS' to obtain the 'W' bits for rx_w.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Regards, S

I tried it with vcs and it did not produce any issue with this code. So, it looks like your verilog compiler has issues with generate blocks.

I suggest to move your W and state declarations outside the block as the following:

 wire [511:0]  W[64/LOOP-1:0];
 wire [255:0]  state[64/LOOP-1:0];
 genvar i;
    for (i = 0; i < 64/LOOP; i = i + 1) begin : HASHERS

       if(i == 0)
         sha256_digester U (
                            .k(Ks[32*(63-cnt) +: 32]),
                            .rx_w(feedback ? W[I] : rx_input),
                            .rx_state(feedback ? state[i] : rx_state),
         sha256_digester U (
                            .k(Ks[32*(63-LOOP*i-cnt) +: 32]),
                            .rx_w(feedback ? W[i] : W[i-1]),
                            .rx_state(feedback ? state[i] : state[i-1]),


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