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How to run django localhost on another system in same private network

I am using django for my project. Now I want to access my project. Both my system and the another one are in the same private network. I am using VPN to connect to the network. How can I access http://localhost:8000 from another system?

What all I did:

  1. ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*']
  2. DEBUG = False
  3. python manage.py runserver
  4. Using my IP (say 192.168.xy) from another system to access the page, but no use - I still couldn't access the page. (I can access the page http://192.168.xy:8000/home from the browser of the same system though)

My main motive is to launch the application and to be able to use it from a system - both server and client machine are in same private network connected either by VPN or LAN

Use IP with port number - 192.168.xy: port . It should work.

If not, check your application is listening on the port using command lsof -i on your application machine.

mention your ip in ALLOWED_HOSTS in settings.py file like: ALLOWED_HOSTS=['192.168.x.y','localhost']

then run:

python manage.py runserver

then you can access your ip at any local machine

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