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Why is my program not printing out after the input?

Ok so I'm making a rock paper scissors program in java and I have all the code and it should give me the output I want but every time i run it it only prints out the input statement and nothing else. I made it print a line after the do loop that the input statement is located and it prints that but it doesn't print anything that's in the if statements and I don't quite understand why. This is what I have. Thank you for any help provided.

public static void main(String[] args) 
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    Random rand = new Random();

    String replay = ("");
    String user = ("");
    int ai = 0;
    String aiPlay = ("");

        ai = rand.nextInt(3) + 1;

        switch (ai)    //was if statements but java suggested to change to switch statements
            case 1:
                aiPlay = ("Rock");
            case 2:
                aiPlay = ("Paper");
                aiPlay = ("Scissors");

        do   //make sure input is correct
            System.out.print("rock, paper, or scissors: ");
            user = input.next();
        }while(!(user.equals("rock") || user.equals("paper") || user.equals("scissors")));

        System.out.println("You played " + user + ".\nThe computer player " + aiPlay + ".\nIt was a tie!");
        System.out.print("Continue? (y or n): ");
        replay = input.next();
        switch (user) {    //was if statements java suggested it change to switch statement 
            case "rock":
                if (aiPlay.equals("scissors"))
                    System.out.println("You played " + user + ".\nThe computer player " + aiPlay + ".\nYou win!");
                    System.out.print("Continue? (y or n): ");
                    replay = input.next();

                else if (aiPlay.equals("paper"))
                    System.out.println("You played " + user + ".\nThe computer player " + aiPlay + ".\nYou lose!");
                    System.out.print("Continue? (y or n): ");
                    replay = input.next();
                }   break;
            case "paper":
                if (aiPlay.equals("scissors"))
                    System.out.println("You played " + user + ".\nThe computer player " + aiPlay + ".\nYou win!");
                    System.out.print("Continue? (y or n): ");
                    replay = input.next();

                else if (aiPlay.equals("rock"))
                    System.out.println("You played " + user + ".\nThe computer player " + aiPlay + ".\nYou lose!");
                    System.out.print("Continue? (y or n): ");
                    replay = input.next();
                }   break;
            case "scissors":
                if (aiPlay.equals("paper"))
                    System.out.println("You played " + user + ".\nThe computer player " + aiPlay + ".\nYou win!");
                    System.out.print("Continue? (y or n): ");
                    replay = input.next();

                else if (aiPlay.equals("rock"))
                    System.out.println("You played " + user + ".\nThe computer player " + aiPlay + ".\nYou lose!");
                    System.out.print("Continue? (y or n): ");
                    replay = input.next();
                }   break;

switch (ai)    //was if statements but java suggested to change to switch 
        case 1:
            aiPlay = ("rock"); /* All should be lowercase*/ 
        case 2:
            aiPlay = ("paper"); /* All should be lowercase*/ 
            aiPlay = ("scissors"); /* All should be lowercase*/ 

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