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Not able to install Python3 on AIX server

I am trying to install Python 3 on a AIX server.

I got the Python 3 RPM file for AIX from here .

There were few dependencies that needed to be installed before installing Python, but I chose to install it without having installed any dependency through nodeps.

Now when I execute a Python3 command, I get the following errors:


It says cannot load module /opt/freeware/lib64/libpython3.5m.so but the file does exists in that directory.


Both LIBPATH & LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set to lib64.


Edit: Adding the output of lslpp -L rmp.rte command


The issue has been resolved now :)

I downloaded and installed below 2 dependencies libgcc gettext

I need not had to downgrade RPM or install and use yum to download required dependencies.

Download from here

After download execute the following command on the server as root:

# installp -acFXYd rpm.rte. all

This command should downgrade your RPM to and make it usable.

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