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Python: Combining 2D arrays with 1 common column that has different values

I want to combine two arrays which represent a curve where the variable is column 1, however the column 0 values do not always match:

import numpy as np
arr1= np.array([(12,1003),(17,900),(20,810)])
arr2= np.array([(10,1020),(17,902),(19,870),(21,750)])

I want to combine these into one array where the column 0 is combined and both column 1s are stacked with gaps where there is no value for the corresponding column 0 value, something like this:


The reason for this is that I want to be able to get mean values of the second column for each array but they are not at exactly the same column 0 value so the idea of creating this array is to then interpolate to replace all the None values, then create mean values from column 1 and 2 and have an extra column to represent that.

I have used numPy for everything else so far but obviously have got stuck with the np.column_stack function as it needs lists of the same length and also will be blind to stacking based on values from column o. Lastly I do not want to create a fit for the data as the actual data is non-linear and possibily not consistent so a fit will not work and interpolation seems like the most accurate method.

There may be an answer already but due to me not knowing how to describe it well I can't find it. Also I am relatively new to python so please don't make any assumptions about my knowledge other than it is very little.

Thank you.

will this help ??

import pandas
import numpy as np

arr1= np.array([(12,1003),(17,900),(20,810)])
arr2= np.array([(10,1020),(17,902),(19,870),(21,750)])

d1 = pandas.DataFrame(arr1)
d2 = pandas.DataFrame(arr2)

d1.columns = d2.columns  = ['t','v']
d3 =  pandas.DataFrame(np.array(d1.merge(d2, on='t',how='outer')))
print d3.values

# use d3.as_matrix() to convert to numpy array 


[[   12.  1003.    nan]
 [   17.   900.   902.]
 [   20.   810.    nan]
 [   10.    nan  1020.]
 [   19.    nan   870.]
 [   21.    nan   750.]]

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