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java - Debezium cannot parse DDL (create proc) statements mysql connector

I have integrated the debezium connector in Kafka connect to stream my mysql db changes. For some procedures, it's unable to read the binlog files. Any suggestions or work-arounds? Stuck with this prob. Can I specify in mysql not to put ddl logs to binlog files?

2017-10-10 15:20:22,314 ERROR  MySQL|dbStreamer|binlog  Failed due to error: Error processing binlog event            [io.debezium.connector.mysql.BinlogReader]
org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException: Unexpected exception (One or more errors trying to parse statement at line 1, column 8) parsing at line 1, column 8
at io.debezium.connector.mysql.AbstractReader.wrap(AbstractReader.java:164)
at io.debezium.connector.mysql.AbstractReader.failed(AbstractReader.java:142)
at io.debezium.connector.mysql.BinlogReader.handleEvent(BinlogReader.java:332)
at com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient.notifyEventListeners(BinaryLogClient.java:902)
at com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient.listenForEventPackets(BinaryLogClient.java:760)
at com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient.connect(BinaryLogClient.java:472)
at com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient$5.run(BinaryLogClient.java:657)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: io.debezium.text.ParsingException: Unexpected exception (One or more errors trying to parse statement at line 1, column 8) parsing at line 1, column 8
at io.debezium.relational.ddl.DdlParser.parsingFailed(DdlParser.java:660)
at io.debezium.relational.ddl.DdlParser.parse(DdlParser.java:294)
at io.debezium.relational.ddl.DdlParser.parse(DdlParser.java:267)
at io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlSchema.applyDdl(MySqlSchema.java:354)
at io.debezium.connector.mysql.BinlogReader.handleQueryEvent(BinlogReader.java:461)
at io.debezium.connector.mysql.BinlogReader.handleEvent(BinlogReader.java:319)
... 5 more
Caused by: One or more errors trying to parse statement at line 1, column 8
io.debezium.text.ParsingException: Expecting VIEW at line 1, column 35 but found 'PROCEDURE': =`root`@`localhost`  ===>> PROCEDURE `azuga`.`c
io.debezium.text.ParsingException: No more content

you need to raise an issue in the issue tracker. DDL parser is able to handle (skip) statements for creating procedures but is not perfect. If you could provide the code in question we can fi the parser.

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