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how to Add multiple cmd shell command lines vb.net

I want to run a few command lines by shell after I run the first command

I use the following command but it does not work

 Shell("cmd.exe /k" + "<adb shell 1> & <su 2> & <mv /data/local/tmp/build2.prop /system/build.prop 3>")

For example, I execute the following commands in cmd

adb shell


mv /data/local/tmp/build2.prop /system/build.prop

How can I run vb.net?

edite -----------------------------------------------------

Honestly, we need to transfer the file to vb.net into the Android device /system folder

We use androidlib by the following command, but it does not work

Adb.ExecuteAdbCommand(Adb.FormAdbCommand("shell", "su", "-c", "mount -o remount, rw /system"))

Adb.ExecuteAdbCommand(Adb.FormAdbCommand("shell", "su", "-c", "cat /data/local/tmp/build2.prop > /system/build.prop"))

This command executes the read-only file system error

What you appear to be after is executing additional commands inside adb , in which case what you're currently doing will not work. Combining commands with the ampersand & will execute each command separately , not in a previously opened process.

To do what you want you've got to redirect standard input for the adb process , not CMD.

Redirecting the input is simply a way of changing where the process gets its input from. Instead of getting it from the keyboard input stream (the user) you can redirect it to a different stream which you have control over.

Untested, but something like this should work:

Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo("adb", "shell 1")
psi.UseShellExecute = False
psi.RedirectStandardInput = True

Dim p As Process = Process.Start(psi)
Dim InputStream As StreamWriter = psi.StandardInput

InputStream.WriteLine("su 2")
InputStream.WriteLine("mv /data/local/tmp/build2.prop /system/build.prop 3")

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