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Error is occur when I pass the JSON value in AJAX url

When I pass the json request in ajax url following error occur. I have pass the 200 and above datas in ajax. All my data's come from "/search/searchendpoint" url


$searchitem = $this->MbPriceList->find('all' , [
  'fields' => [
    'name' => 't1.item_name'
  'join' => [
     'table' => 'mb_item_list', 
     'alias' => 't1', 
     'type' => 'INNER', 
     'conditions' => [
       't1.item_code = MbPriceList.item_code'
]) ->toArray();

  'response' => $searchitem,
  '_serialize' => ['response']

JSON request:

  var myUrl = "/search/searchendpoint";
    url: myUrl, 
    dataType: "json",            
    type: "get", 
    data: JSON.stringify(myUrl), 
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 
    response: function(data){
    ajax: '/search/searchendpoint'


jquery-2.2.4.min.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to
search for 'length' in "/search/searchendpoint" at s
(jquery-2.2.4.min.js:2) at Function.each (jquery-2.2.4.min.js:2) at
isMockDataEqual (jquery.mockjax.js:67) at getMockForRequest
(jquery.mockjax.js:119) at Function.handleAjax [as ajax]
(jquery.mockjax.js:444) at Typeahead.execute
(bootstrap-typeahead.js:170) at f (jquery-2.2.4.min.js:2)

try this. you have to echo out your variables that you intent to pass as a response to your view as JSON and then, very !important, exit the controller's code.

$this->set(['response' => $searchitem,'_serialize' => ['response']]);
echo json_encode('response');

and in your javascript you have to read that json, assuming you are using jquery you catch your php variable as a parameter on the success function, try this.


        var jsresponse = $.parseJSON(data).response;

Let me know if that worked for you. Cheerios !!

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