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Regex capture data between String and \n character in Python

I am learning python, I wanted to capture the data between 'NUMBER:' and \\n

NUMBER: 3741733552\\n556644

the number after the new line character in variable, hence cannot count on it to capture.

    re.search(r'NUMBER:(.*?)[\n]', string_data).group(1)

I tried above code(which is wrong) in vain, please help in capturing that number. Thank you.


I have a String "NAME: KHAN NASEEM\\n\\n22972 LAHSER RD\\n\\n..." to which I used like the code

    name = re.search(r'NAME:\s*(.+)', string_data) 

but the output I got is "KHAN NASEEM\\n\\n22972 LAHSER RD\\n\\n...", But I want only KHAN NASEEM only.

\\n = string literal, not actual new line

You can try this:

import re
s = "NUMBER: 3741733552\n556644"
final_data = re.findall('NUMBER:\s*(.*?)\n', s)



Below is my solution to your question. It is short and simple, also easy to read. You could get more complex with it, but I like to keep things easy :-). I hope this helps you!

>>> import re
>>> num = 'NUMBER: 3741733552\n556644'
>>> search = re.search(r'([0-9].*)', num).group(0)
>>> print(search)

If you are trying to get all chars from NAME: up to the backslash followed with n letter, use


See the regex demo .


  • \\b - a word boundary
  • NAME: - a NAME: substring
  • \\s* - 0+ whitespaces
  • (.+?) - Group 1: one or more chars other than line breal chars, as few as possible
  • (?:\\\\n|$) - either the end of string or a backslash followed with n

Below is the Python demo :

import re
s = r'NAME: KHAN NASEEM\n\n22972 LAHSER RD\n\n...' # Note r'' prefix: all \ are literal backslashes here!
m = re.search(r'\bNAME:\s*(.+?)(?:\\n|$)', s)
if m:
    print(m.group(1)) # => KHAN NASEEM

NOTE : You should check how text is fetched from the DB to Python. The \\n should actually be newlines. Once fixed, you will just have to use


A whole word NAME: , 0+ whitespaces, and Group 1 will capture one or more chars other than line break chars, as many as possible (ie the rest of the line).

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