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Kill a QProcess running in a different QThread

I have a class that inherits QThread and I reimplemented the run() method. In this run method, there's a QProcess (declared in run) that starts a program.

Now if I close my application while that process is still running, it actually won't close until the process finishes.

So my question is how do I stop this process ?

From what I've read in Qt docs, I cannot use signal/slot here since my process will have thread affinity with a thread that is not the main thread, so the connections are queued and this doesn't stop my process.

I'm using Qt 5.8

Thanks in advance !

EDIT: here's the thread code, let me know if you need more

void run()
    QString cmd;
    QProcess p;

    connect(&p, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(quit()));
    //connect(this, SIGNAL(signalTerminateProcess()), &p, SLOT(kill())); // queued connect that doesn't kill my process

        qInfo("process done");

First, you can use signal & slots across QThreads and you can even wait for the slot to be executed using Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection . See Qt documentation .

However, this requires the target QObject to live in a thread that has a running event loop. In your case, since you have overloaded QThread::run() , you will not have an event loop.

As I see it, you have 2 ways of fixing your code either you do a small fix or you change the design and use the event loop.

1. Quick fix

void run()
    QString cmd;
    QProcess p;

    connect(&p, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(quit()));
    //connect(this, SIGNAL(signalTerminateProcess()), &p, SLOT(kill())); // queued connect that doesn't kill my process

    while(! p.waitForFinished(100)) //Wake up every 100ms and check if we must exit
        if (QThread::currentThread()->isInterruptionRequested())
            if (! p.waitForFinished(1000))
    qInfo("process done");

int cleanUp()


QProcess *process = nullptr;
void run()
    QString cmd;
    QProcess p;
    process = &p; //You shouldn't do that in real code

    connect(&p, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(quit()));
    //connect(this, SIGNAL(signalTerminateProcess()), &p, SLOT(kill())); // queued connect that doesn't kill my process

    while(! p.waitForFinished(100)) //Wake up every 100ms and check if we must exit
    qInfo("process done");
    process = nullptr;

int cleanUp()
    QTimer::singleShot(0, process, &QProcess::terminate);
    // Qt 5.10 -> QMetaObject::invokeMethod(process, &QProcess::terminate);
    if (! thread->wait(1000))
        QTimer::singleShot(0, process, &QProcess::kill);

2. Event loop fix

// Create thread
QThread thread;

// Create process and move it to the other thread
QProcess process;

void startProcess()

QMutex mutex;
void stopProcess()
    if (!p.waitForFinished(1000))

// Call startProcess() in the other thread
QTimer::singleShot(0, &process, &startProcess);

// Call stopProcess() in the other thread
QTimer::singleShot(0, &process, &stopProcess);

if (!thread.wait(100))

You can :

  • Replace the mutex by using an atomic or using signals connected with Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection .
  • Replace startProcess() and stopProcess() by slots and lambdas.
  • Replace calls to QTimer::singleShot() by QMetaObject::invokeMethod() or by using signals. Note thate you can use Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection with QMetaObject::invokeMethod()

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