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Passing value via URL to controller from JSP in Spring MVC

Created an application. Page A displays a droplist containing list of values. If user clicks on particular account, will display a chart. We have similar button right to the acccount droplist. Those are separate JSP's. If user clicks on Page A, then selected account name should move to those 4 jsp page. I have tried via URL. But not getting. Please help.


<a id="priorityCallAnalysis" class="item"> <button type ="button" onclick="getPriorityCall()">Priority </button> </a>
<form:form action="somepage" method="post" commandName="somedata"
                id="taskDetails" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-4">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label>Choose Account*</label>
                            <form:select path="accountName" class="form-control"
                                id="accountName" onchange="getDashboard()">

                                <form:option value="" label="--select--"></form:option>
                                <c:forEach items="${accountList}" var="accountName">
                                    <form:option value="${accountName}" label="${accountName}"></form:option>


function getPriorityCall()
    var accountName = $("#accountName").val();


    public ModelAndView priorityCall(Map<String, Object> model,@RequestParam ("accountName") String accName)
        SampleBean template = new SampleBean ();
        model.put("template ", template );
        List<String> accountList = Service.getAccountList();
        model.put("accountList", accountList);
        model.put("accName", accName);

        return new ModelAndView("analByPrior","","");

JSP : analByPrior

<form:form action="#" method="post" commandName="somedata"
                id="taskDetails" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-4">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <label>Choose Account*</label>
                            <form:select path="accountName" class="form-control"
                            id="accountName" onchange="getAssignmentGroups()">
                            <form:option value="" label="--select--"></form:option>
                            <c:forEach items="${accountList}" var="accName">
                        <form:option value="${accName}" selected="true"> ${accName}</form:option>


UPDATE While clicking on Priority Button, this controller is getting called, instead of PriorityCall.. I dont know y..

    public String someAction(@ModelAttribute("accountName") TicketInfo data, Map<String, Object> map,
                                    HttpServletRequest request) {

        TicketInfo somedata = new TicketInfo();
           System.out.println("acc=" + request.getParameter("accountName"));

           /* do some process and send back the data */
            map.put("somedata", data);
            map.put("accountName", request.getParameter("accountName"));

            return "analysisByPriority";

First in the .jsp file you can use a global variable to store context path and use this variable as prefix in all the relative paths.

<script>var context = "${pageContext.request.contextPath}"</script>

Now within your js function use the context path and call the controller.

function getPriorityCall(){
  var accountName = $("#accountName").val();
  alert("contextPath: "+context); // will print your {appName}

So your URI looks like below in your request call.



  • benefit of use this ${pageContext.request.contextPath} is if you change your appName later you dont need to change it in views. It will automatically get the latest contextPath.
  • If you are using Firefow browser install the firebug add-on and Use it for to verify your requests. So you can validate your URI with params.(If its chrome use Inspect Element to validate URI)

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