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RxJava using Kotlin - how to synchronize 2 asynchronous methods, refactor from Java

I have 2 collections, which buffer location update events:

     private List<LocationGeoEvent> mUpdateGeoEvents = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<LocationRSSIEvent> mUpdateRSSIEvents = new ArrayList<>();

There is also present in my code:

        private final ScheduledExecutorService mSaveDataExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
    private boolean mSaveDataScheduled;
    private final Object mEventsMonitor = new Object();

    private ScheduledFuture<?> mScheduledStopLocationUpdatesFuture;
    private final ScheduledExecutorService mStopLocationUpdatesExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();

I add event to this colections like this:

    public void appendGeoEvent(LocationGeoEvent event) {
            synchronized (mEventsMonitor) {

The same goes for the RSSI event

Now, the scheduleSaveEvents method looks like this:

      private void scheduleSaveEvents() {

        synchronized (mSaveDataExecutor) {
            if (!mSaveDataScheduled) {
                mSaveDataScheduled = true;
                        new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                synchronized (mSaveDataExecutor) {
                                    mSaveDataScheduled = false;


The problem is, that i need to synchronize the other method which stops the updates. It is triggered like this:

      private void scheduleStopLocationUpdates() {

        synchronized (mStopLocationUpdatesExecutor) {
            if (mScheduledStopLocationUpdatesFuture != null)

            mScheduledStopLocationUpdatesFuture = mStopLocationUpdatesExecutor.schedule(
                    new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            synchronized (mStopLocationUpdatesExecutor) {


In the saveEvents method i do:

    private void saveEvents(boolean locationUpdatesAboutToStop) {

        synchronized (mEventsMonitor) {
            if (mUpdateGeoEvents.size() > 0 || mUpdateRSSIEvents.size() > 0) {

                 //do something with the data from buffered collection arrayLists and with the boolean locationUpdatesAboutToStop




Is there a way to refactor this simplier to RxJava using Kotlin?


Here is my appendRSSIevents method:

    private fun appendRSSIEvent(event: LocationRSSIEvent) {
    synchronized(mEventsMonitor) {
        if (!shouldSkipRSSIData(event.nexoIdentifier)) {
        } else

You can buffer the two streams of data and then combine them for saving. Also, you can use the buffer trigger to stop the updates as well.

PublishSubject<LocationGeoEvent> mUpdateGeoEventsSubject = PublishSubject.create();
PublishSubject<LocationRSSIEvent> mUpdateRSSIEventsSubject = PublishSubject.create();

public void appendGeoEvent(LocationGeoEvent event) {
  mUpdateGeoEventsSubject.onNext( event );
  triggerSave.onNext( Boolean.TRUE );

and the same for RSS feed.

Now we need triggers that will be used to drive the saving step.

PublishSubject<Boolean> triggerSave = PublishSubject.create();
PublishSubject<Boolean> triggerStopAndSave = PublishSubject.create();

Observable<Boolean> normalSaveTrigger = triggerSave.debounce( 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
Observable<Boolean> trigger = Observable.merge( normalSaveTrigger, triggerStopAndSave );

The trigger observable fires when either the normal save process fires or if we are stopping the save.

private void saveEvents(
  List<LocationGeoEvent> geo,
  List<LocationRSSIEvent> rss,
  boolean locationUpdatesAboutToStop) {

    synchronized (mEventsMonitor) {
        if (geo.size() > 0 || rss.size() > 0) {
             //do something with the data from buffered collection arrayLists and with the boolean locationUpdatesAboutToStop
private void scheduleStopLocationUpdates() {
  triggerStopAndSave.onNext( Boolean.FALSE );

Observable.zip( mUpdateGeoEventsSubject.buffer( trigger ),
                mUpdateRSSIEventsSubject.buffer( trigger ),
                trigger, (geo, rss, trgr) -> saveEvents(geo, rss, trgr) )

You will still need to some tuning with respect to multi-threading and safety. The first step would be to turn the various subjects into SerializedSubject s so that multiple threads can emit events.

If you want saveEvents to run on a particular scheduler, you will either need to add an intermediate data structure, a triple, to pass the parameters through observeOn() operator, or apply observeOn() operator to each of zip() arguments.

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