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javax.el.ELException: Failed to parse the expression [${ofn:storeLookup(${bundleDetailsMap['bundleStoreUnit']})}]

I am Trying to call a JSTL Function with El Expression parameter but it is throwing runtime exception,

enter code here<c:forEach var="bundleDetailsMap" items="${orderSummaryInfo.pickupBundleDetails}">
                                name: "${bundleDetailsMap['name']}",
                                price: "${bundleDetailsMap['price']}",

                                <c:set var="store" value="${ofn:storeLookup(${bundleDetailsMap['bundleStoreUnit']})}"  />
                                        storeName: "${store.storeName}",
                                        storeAddress: "${store.streetAddr}",
                                        storeCity: "${store.city}",
                                        storeState: "${store.state}",
                                        storeZip: "${store.zipForDisplay}",
                                        storeUnit: "${store.unit}",
                                        monFriHours: "${store.monHours}",
                                        satHours: "${store.satHours}",
                                        sunHours: "${store.sunHours}",
                                items: [
                                    <c:forEach var="bundleItem" items="${bundleDetailsMap['items']}">
                                            src: "${bundleItem.imageDescription}",
                                            bundleName: "${bundleItem.itemName}",
                                            qty: "${bundleItem.quantity}",
                                            ashleyStoreUnit : "${bundleItem.ashleyStoreUnit}",

in this is throwing parse error

I think the problem is in ${ofn:storeLookup(${bundleDetailsMap['bundleStoreUnit']})} .

I don't think you are allowed to make such complicated calls in EL.

You should try setting the EL variable in your controller, or try using scriptlets to acomplish this.

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