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How Can I Execute *nix or BASH SOURCE CODE in Azure Functions?

I have already written Azure Functions in Python, and know there's also official support for other popular dialects - JS, Java, .NET, etc. BUT, I have a special scenario, where I wish to execute some functions originally written in bash, or to be able to access such *nix utilities as calc, sed, awk and more.

I know that Azure Functions are meant to abstract away the server and even environment(?), but is there a way one can still install and run *nix like utilities or for that matter any exes (since *nix can port).

Some ideas am toying with:

  • include binaries in /bin folder of my python project,
  • and then invoke it using something like:

     from subprocess import call call(["cal", "-y"]) 

Problem; Can I do this without having to deploy my own binaries?

TL;DR : How to execute own binaries and access Shell inside Azure Functions?

Obviously, Azure function is running on Windows Server .

After my research, I found that the azure server was pre-loaded with git bash.

You can find the following path on the Kudu:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Git

If you want to run *nix command calc on windows, you need to download calc for Windows execution files and upload it to Kudu.



Then add the current directory to the environment variable.

D:\home\site\mybin>set PATH=D:\home\site\mybin;%PATH%


Please make sure you add your environment variable in front of the variable D: \\Windows\\System32; so that you can overwrite Windows own calc command.



When you execute calc commands in Python, please use the os.environ and os.putenv to set your own environment variables.

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