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Android - app goes to launcher after calling CAPTURE_IMAGE intent and taking picture (doesn't return to the fragment)

So I have a Fragment that calls the following method which launches the camera:

private void launchCamera() {
        Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
        if (takePictureIntent.resolveActivity(getActivity().getPackageManager()) != null) {
            startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

And I expect to receive the picture data in this method in my fragment:

    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        if (!(resultCode == RESULT_OK)) return;

        if (requestCode == REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE || requestCode == REQUEST_GALLERY_IMAGE) {
            Uri imageURI = data.getData();

// do something

However, after I take a picture and confirm it, the app goes to my launcher. After setting breakpoints in the onActivityResult method, the app never even reaches this method before crashing. I've granted made sure to grant all permissions in both the manifest and at runtime.

There are also no outputs to Logcat with this crash, both in the app logs and the device logs. I have also tested on both my device (Moto G5 Plus) & Pixel XL API 26 emulator; both have the same result.

I think you need to call super.onActivityResult() . The fragment is the one making the startActivityForResult() call, but the activity gets the first shot at handling the result so you need to implement super.onActivityResult() to make the fragment handle the result.

the app immediately crashes to my launcher

No, the camera app immediately brings up the launcher. Apparently, the developers of this camera app wrote it to bring up the home screen when the user is done taking the picture. This is a bug, of course, but there is little that you can do about it.

Use ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE when you would like a picture but do not mind if you do not get it, due to bugs in some of the hundreds of camera apps that you are integrating with. Otherwise, use a camera library (Fotoapparat, CameraKit-Android, etc.) to take the picture directly in your own app.

Also, and FWIW, ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE does not return a Uri , so your onActivityResult() code will not work anyway. Given your particular ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent configuration, in onActivityResult() , data.getParcelableExtra("data") will return a Bitmap representing a thumbnail-sized image.

I believe this is yet another manifestation of the Android: Activity getting Destroyed after calling Camera Intent .

The bottom line is, the system restarts your app from scratch and your activity is created but has a chance to restore its state.

So you must implement onRestoreInstanceState(). I am not sure you can guarantee that the fragment will be ready to receive onActiviyResult() timely, so to be in the safe side, I prefer to handle the captured image in activity itself.

So this issue was actually because of an intent flag I had attached to the activity. My activity was started using the NO_HISTORY intent flag, which apparently prevented it from being recreated when returned from a startActivityForResult call.

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