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RoutingError for previous uploaded images after Capistrano deploy

I have a Rails 5.1 application with functionality for uploading documents.

I implemented the upload-functionality with Paperclip (version 5.1). The uploads are stored on Amazon S3. Uploading documents works fine initially, but previously uploaded images are broken when I redeploy the application with Capistrano to the production server. When I look in the production.log I see this RoutingError:

    F, [2017-11-06T14:07:26.682736 #446] FATAL -- : [012253d0-c103-4e57-8065-33830ad76b9b] ActionController::RoutingError

(No route matches [GET] "/system/absences/attest_pics/000/000/008/original/boekcover.jpg"):

in the View I implemented the link to the document like this:

        <% if absence.attest_pic.present? %>
          <%= link_to "Download", absence.attest_pic.url %>
        <% end %>

Does anyone has experience with this behaviour?

Thanks for your help,


Take a look in your folder, in the server. If the path your_app/current/public/system don't exists, you need to change the file: config/deploy.rb accept the public/system

set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('log', 'tmp/pids', 'tmp/cache', 'tmp/sockets', 'vendor/bundle', 'public/system')

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