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After Capistrano deploy my images uploaded via shrine arent displayed anymore (Rails + SQlite3)

When i try to deploy my new application, everything went smooth. But i used to had the problem that my posts in my db disappear after a capistrano deploy. I found out, that this has to do with my Sqlite3 DB and that i have to add the shared path for production in my database.yml. Thats why i added:

  adapter: sqlite3
  database: /home/deploy/apps/Blogapp/releases/shared/db/production.sqlite3

now my posts stay also after a cap deploy, but my images arent showing of anymore. I guess i have to put them, or link them somehow to that folder aswell but iam not sure how. My shrine.rb looks like that:

 require 'shrine'
require 'shrine/storage/file_system'

Shrine.storages = {
    # temporary storage
    cache: Shrine::Storage::FileSystem.new('public', prefix: 'uploads/cache'),
    enter code here
    # permanent storage
    store: Shrine::Storage::FileSystem.new('public', prefix: 'uploads/store'),

Shrine.plugin :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :cached_attachment_data # for forms

changing uploads/cache to /home/deploy/apps/Blogapp/releases/shared/uploads/cache

and uploads/store to


doesnt seem to fix the problem ... Any ideas ?

Go to /home/deploy/apps/Blogapp/current/public and check with ls -l if you have a link to /home/deploy/apps/Blogapp/releases/shared/uploads .

When you add custom folders to a /shared, you have to tell capistrano to symlink them, but you need a little change.

First, change the paths to /shared/public


Now, add this to your deploy.rb

set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, [])+%W{public/uploads}

Now, after a deploy, capistrano will create a symlink from current/public/uploads to shared/public/uploads .

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