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Python Dataframe: Extract Date from Datetime field — 'Not Callable' Error

Updated Follow-up Question:

Error received after running code below: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'month_name' referenced before assignment


I have an object column that I converted into datetime successfully called "dtin". Below is what the data looks like:


I want to create a new column that extracts out just the month from the dtin column (see screen shot).

Below is the code I tried and the resulting error:


Any help is greatly appreciated.

As per my comment above, you need to remove the () like so.

df_EVENT4_6['start_month'] = df_EVENT4_6['dtin'].dt.month

This is because 'month' is not a function or method but a property. The () is trying to call something that can't be called.

There are a number of ways you could change to the month name. I would probably define a function and use the apply method.

def month_change(mnum):
    if mnum == 1:
    elif .....



My bad, you need to apply it to the other Series.

def month_change(mnum):
    if mnum == 1:
    elif .....

 df_EVENT4_6['start_month'] = df_EVENT4_6['dtin'].dt.month


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