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Detaching Rows in Pivot Table - Laravel

I have a pivot table country_team with data in this form


 country_id    team_id  
     1            1
     1            2


   id    name 
    1    Spain 


 id     name
  1     Barcelona
  2     Real Madrid

In my table, i have it displayed in this form


 Country_id    Team
     1         Barcelona
     1         Real Madrid

Now, i want to detach real Madrid from the row but how can get the id of real madrid or get the name Real Madrid to detach it. I cannot delete using country_id since it will delete all teams belonging to that particular country .


public function index()
    $countries = Country::where('id',Auth::user()->id)->get();

    return view('admin.order.index',compact('orders'));

public function deleteTeam()
    $get_country_id = Country::findOrFail($id);  


    @foreach($countries as $country)
        @foreach($country->teams as $team)
            <td>{{$country->id }}</td>
            <td>{{ $team->name}}</td>

Use a sub-query:

DELETE FROM country_team
WHERE team_id = (SELECT id FROM Team WHERE name = 'Real Madrid')

The select in () will return the id for team 'Real Madrid', 2. So it will delete entries in country_team if team_id == 2.

Well You can simply pass country_id and team_id and update your delete team as such.

public function deleteTeam(Scountry_id,$team_id)
    $country = Country::findOrFail($country_id);  

I personally use somethink like this to detach ids.

public function deleteTeam($country_id, $team_id)
    $country = Country::findOrFail($country_id);  


    @foreach($countries as $country)
        @foreach($country->teams as $team)
                <td>{{ $country->id }}</td>
                <td>{{ $team->name }}</td>
                    <form action="{{ route('admin.team.delete', ['country_id' => $country->id, 'team_id' => $tem->id]) }}" method="post">
                        <button type="submit" role="button">Delete</button>
                        {{ csrf_field() }}

And in your web.php you have to add the route in the correct group or something.

Route::post('delete/{country_id}/{team_id}', [
    'uses' => 'ControllerName@deleteTeam',
    'as' => 'admin.team.delete'

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