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Non Clustered Columnstore Indexes and Primary/Foreign keys

Documentation says that we can't create nonclustered columnstore indexes in primary key or foreign key columns


" A table with a nonclustered columnstore index can have unique constraints, primary key constraints, or foreign key constraints, but the constraints cannot be included in the nonclustered columnstore index . "

but on my tests, It is working:

CREATE TABLE SimpleTable(  
ProductKey [int] primary key,   
OrderDateKey [int] NOT NULL,   
DueDateKey [int] NOT NULL,   
ShipDateKey [int] NOT NULL) 


insert into SimpleTable values (1,2,3,4)

CREATE nonclustered COLUMNSTORE INDEX IXTEST ON SimpleTable(ProductKey)

What am I missing here? Is documentation correct?

Here is my SQL Server version

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP1-CU4) (KB4024305) - 13.0.4446.0 (X64) Jul 16 2017 18:08:49 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition



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