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Sum of rows in SQL with GROUP BY

I am having a table with data like:

ID  OrderId TAX%    Quantity UnitCost
1     5      28    2       1280
2     5      18    1       1180

I want the output like:

ORDERID    TaxableValue       TaxValue
   5           3000               740

How can I achieve this? I tried with:

SELECT orderid,
       ROUND((SUM(UnitCost*Quantity)*TAX)/(100+TAX),2) AS taxValue,
       ROUND(SUM(unitCost*quantity)-ROUND((SUM(UnitCost*Quantity)*TAX)/(100+TAX),2),2) AS taxableValue 
FROM table1 

But the query above is not working.

Sorry all, That is the Tax percentage. This is the new Updated Query. Please consider this.

Pretty sure it is as simple as doing a little math.

select OrderID
    , TaxableValue = SUM(UnitCost - TAX)
    , TaxValue = SUM(TAX * Quantity)
from YourTable
group by OrderID

EDIT: The math was slightly off on the TaxableValue

For those who want proof that this works.

declare @Something table
    ID int
    , OrderId int
    , TAX int
    , Quantity int
    , UnitCost int

insert @Something values
(1, 5, 28, 2, 228)
, (2, 5, 18, 1, 118)

select OrderID
    , TaxableValue = SUM(UnitCost - TAX)
    , TaxValue = SUM(TAX * Quantity)
from @Something
group by OrderID

This is how it can be done.

sum(unitcost*quantity) - sum(tax*quantity) as taxablevalue,
sum(tax*quantity) as taxvalue
FROM table1  
select OrderId
    , SUM((unitcost * quantity * tax)/(100+tax)) as TaxValue
    , SUM(unitcost * quantity)-SUM((unitcost * quantity * tax)/(100+tax)) as taxableValue
from table1
group by OrderId

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