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How to add a Custom EqualTo To rule in jQuery.validation

I had a problem getting the sum of 2 inputs to be equal to a dynamic value. In my case I needed, 2 fields to be equal to 100. I thought I'd post my solution below for anyone else who may need this as is or to make a new custom validation rule.

Below is the answer I got. Field1 and Field2 must be equal to 100 in the below answer.

var msg;
var dynamicErrorMsg = function () { return msg; }

jQuery.validator.addMethod("equalToValue", function(value, element, param) {
    var target = parseInt($( param[0] ).val());
    var total = parseInt(value) + target;
    msg = " Field 1 and 2 must be equal to " + param[1];
    return this.optional(element) || (total == param[1]);
}, dynamicErrorMsg);

    rules: {
         field1: {
             equalToValue: ["#field2", 100]

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