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How do I make multiple highlights in jquery.validation?

I am using jQuery.validator. I finally found an really good answer to adding localstorage capability to jQuery.validator.

Is it possible to write jquery.validate error codes into localstorage?

I using this code now, but I want to use now multiple highlight for more fields at the same time. How do I make more instance of highlight and unhighlight?

I change the name for example I used "highlight2". This not work.

I am using same code as Brahim.

highlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
    // Check for your email input
        if (element.type === "email" && element.name === "input_name") {
        // `errorMap` is an internal Key/value store, where the key refers to the
        // name of an input field, values the message to be displayed for that
        // input.
        localStorage.setItem("email_error", this.errorMap[element.name]);

        // Call the default highlight to keep the original behaviour
        $.validator.defaults.highlight(element, errorClass, validClass);
      unhighlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
        // Check for your email input
        if (element.type === "email" && element.name === "input_name") {

I want more than one field to show error in localstorage. Sorry for my english.

Unfortunately as of right now jquery.validation does not support multiple independent highlight and unhighlight functions. You can however use a validation script that currently has the capability. If you select parsley http://parsleyjs.org/ you can create multiple events utilizing their 'field:error' and 'field:success' functions. You can do something like;

    $('#id_of_selector_1').parsley().on('field:error', function() {          
        localStorage.setItem('error_1', JSON.stringify(true));
    $('#id_of_selector_1').parsley().on('field:success', function() {          
        localStorage.removeItem('error_1', JSON.stringify(true));
    $('#id_of_selector_2').parsley().on('field:error', function() {          
        localStorage.setItem('error_2', JSON.stringify(true));
    $('#id_of_selector_2').parsley().on('field:success', function() {         
        localStorage.removeItem('error_2', JSON.stringify(true));

You can call the localstorage item with some kind of boolean function since it has been stringified. I hope that helps you.

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