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Convert Oracle query to SQL Server 2008

I am facing a problem to convert an Oracle query to its SQL Server 2008 version. In this Oracle query LISTAGG and connect by prior are used. I researched the web to find that WITH AS () is connect by prior equivalent in SQL Server 2008.

Also for LISTAGG alternate in SQL Server 2008 we can use STUFF() . But I'm facing difficulty in integrate these two logics into one. Please help me. The solution I tried seems to be wrong.

Here, is the Oracle query:

    (LISTAGG(T1.c2, '/') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY T1.c1)) 
    Table1 T1 
START WITH T1.c1 = T2.c3 

This is the solution I tried:

with n(col1, col2) as 
    select T1.c1, '/' + T1.c2
    from table1 T1,
    where T1.c1 = T2.c3
    union ALL
    select T3.c1, '/' + T3.c2
    from table1 as T4,T3
    where T4.c3 = T3.c1  
select col2 from n;

Here in the both the queries T2 is a reference for a Table2 that is used in an outer query.


  select (LISTAGG(T1.c2, '/') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY T1.c1)) 
  FROM Table1 T1 
  start with T1.c1 = T2.c3 
  connect by prior T1.c3 = T1.c1
) as ABC,
Table A,
Table B,
Table T2

Links I referred ::

LISTAGG you can se here .

With you can do like this in SQL:

select * into #n from
    select T1.c1 col1, '/' + T1.c2 col2
    from table1 T1,
    where T1.c1 = T2.c3
    union ALL
    select T3.c1, '/' + T3.c2
    from table1 as T4,T3
    where T4.c3 = T3.c1  

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