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Query timeout error Excel VBA

I'm trying to run a SQL Server query via Excel VBA which gives me below error. I have tested this query in SQL Server Management Studio & it working perfectly fine. It takes about 4 mins to run in SSMS, but fails via VBA. I have already tried increasing the timeout up to 600 secs & setting it to zero as well.

Surprising part is if I debug my VBA & copy the script from it (since it's generated @ runtime based on different values) even that run perfectly after pasting in SQL Server Management Studio?


What am I missing here? Any pointers would be highly appreciated...

PS: if I run another query with same piece of code, it runs correctly!

Using: DBConn.CommandTimeout = 0 solved the problem for queries that take longer for execution & cannot be optimised further.

Thx a ton @Vityata for pointing me to right direction =)

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