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Checkbox EventHandler not changing text in label (JavaFX)

I'm just learning Java, things have been going well thus far. I am learning the basics of JavaFX and wrote a program that just shows some Checkboxes controls and Labels. I am trying to get the Label called response to change text when a user clicks on one(or any) of the checkbox. The code below shows only EventHandler for bananaCB checkbox.

public class Main extends Application implements EventHandler {
private Label title;
private Label response;
private Label selected;
private CheckBox bananaCB;
private CheckBox mangoCB;
private CheckBox papayaCB;
private CheckBox grapfruitCB;
private String fruits;

public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{
    primaryStage.setTitle("Favorite Fruit");

    title = new Label("What fruits do you like?");
    response = new Label("");
    selected = new Label("");

    bananaCB = new CheckBox("Banana");
    mangoCB = new CheckBox("Mango");
    papayaCB = new CheckBox("Papaya");
    grapfruitCB = new CheckBox("Grapfruit");

    //Setup the stage and Scene
    FlowPane flowPaneRoot = new FlowPane(Orientation.VERTICAL,5,5);

    //We add all of our controls to flowPaneRoot

    //Attach eventListeners to our checkboxes.

    Scene scene = new Scene(flowPaneRoot,400,250);


public void showAll(){
    fruits = "";

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void handle(Event event) {
    Object fruitSelected = event.getSource();
    if (bananaCB.equals(fruitSelected)) {
        if (bananaCB.isSelected()) {
            response.setText("Banana Selected");
        } else {
            response.setText("Banana cleared");



I did try an setOnAction eventhandler and it worked as expected. I had it commented out in the code above but it messed up the way it looked. I'll post it here.

        bananaCB.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
       public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
            response.setText("Banana Selected");

I think the right condition is bananaCB.ischecked.

try it. its possible that the label is not changing because of the wrong method call

You could attach the event your application class as event handler to multiple CheckBox es, but I wouldn't recommend it. Furthermore you need to actually register the handlers using the setOnAction method:


Moreover using the same event handler and checking all possible sources is bad practice.
I'd recommend using ChangeListener s for the selected properties instead in this case and use different lambdas/anonymus classes for each CheckBox :

private static CheckBox createFruitCheckBox(final String text) {
    CheckBox result = new CheckBox(text);
    ChangeListener<Boolean> listener = (observable, oldValue, newValue) ->
                                               response.setText(newValue ? text + " Selected" : text + " cleared");

    return result;
bananaCB = createFruitCheckBox("Banana");
mangoCB = createFruitCheckBox("Mango");

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