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Getting 400 response when i try for POST request

I am using CXF and my bean is as follows

public class Test {

    protected Long Id;

    @XmlElement(name = "students")
    protected Set<String> students;

    //Getters and setters

When i try to use the below request it works

    public String getCounts(JAXBElement<Test> jaxFilters) {
        Test filter = jaxFilter.getValue();
        //Some logic

But when i use the below request i am getting 400 error

public String getCounts(JAXBElement<List<Test>> jaxFilters) {
    List<Test> filter = jaxFilter.getValue();
    //Some logic

Can someone help me how to write the Post request to accept for the collection of jaxb beans as body in the post request. Thanks in advance.

Found the solution. Actually in POJO class instead of @XmlRootElement annotated with @XMLType and removed wrapping of JAXBElement in Rest call.

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